Living with cancer is different from living after cancer
I ran across a blog post that sums up how I feel about this weird cancer abyss. It is written by Edward Pullen, MD. His wife has cancer and the post is titled Living with cancer is different from living after cancer.
I highly suggest you read this post, but if don't have the time then at least read my favorite part:
When a person has a cancer they have been told cannot be cured, but that they have a good chance of living with for some ill-defined number of years, maybe 2-3, possibly 5-10 or even more, this requires a different type of thinking. Oh, and by the way add that maybe you’ll be getting some sorts of treatments that will make you sick, or have low blood counts and require you to avoid being around lots of people, but we don’t know when or whether you’ll need these treatments. Living with both the relative certainty that you have a cancer that is not curable and also many uncertainties (how long you have, how will you tolerate the treatments, how good will your quality of life be, how will your family and loved ones cope) is different and has its own challenges.
It's amazing when someone puts into words exactly how you feel.