Redefining the support group: my TEDx talk

Here's a little something different: instead of a blog post, watch this video of me talking about my brain cancer experience.

The moral of the story in this talk is you. Yes, you dear reader.

This was recorded on April 18, 2013 as part of a TEDx event in Sacramento, California.

TEDx is a local, self-organized event that brings people together to share a TED-like experience. TEDx events are organized and overseen by official TED curators.

Don't know what TED is? Check out the main website.

Liz Salmi

Liz Salmi is Communications & Patient Initiatives Director for OpenNotes at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Over the last 15 years Liz has been: a research subject; an advisor in patient stakeholder groups; a leader in “patient engagement” research initiatives; and an innovator, educator and investigator in national educational and research projects. Today her work focuses on involving patients and care partners in the co-design of research and research dissemination. It is rumored Liz was the drummer in a punk rock band.

Dave gets Goliath: brain cancer treatment at Duke University


How to participate in the #BTSM tweet chat