It's not a tumor
Want to know if you might have a brain tumor? The American Brain Tumor Association breaks down how each part of the brain is affected by symptom. Am I the only person who thinks this stuff is interesting?
This is what they say about the parietal lobe (which is where my tumor is/was):
The parietal lobe receives and interprets sensations including pain, temperature, touch, pressure, size, shape, and body-part awareness. Other activities of the parietal lobe are hearing, reasoning and memory. Seizures, language disturbances (if a tumor is in the dominant hemisphere) and loss of ability to read are common symptoms. Spatial disorders, such as difficulty with body orientation in space or recognition of body parts, can also occur. The parietal lobe also controls language and the ability to do arithmetic. Numbers may be read, but there may be difficulty with calculations. There may be difficulty knowing left from right and sentences containing comparisons or cross-references may not be understood.