Patient & Researcher Blog
Here I aim to capture what I am learning as a newbie researcher from a patient perspective.
Living with a slow growing brain cancer
It is taboo for researchers to talk about their work before it is published.
I think that’s a bummer.
My favorite part about research is learning new things in real time. Here I share my observations as a learner and my n of 1 (personal) findings as a patient.
Note: I started blogging about brain cancer in 2008, at age 29.
I had no background or knowledge about healthcare when I began. Please excuse typos and other misconceptions. What you read here is me in real time, like a time capsule.
There are more than 500 posts here. Use this search to look for something specific. Good luck!
They let me take a picture in the MRI
So here I am laying on the table before I go into the MRI. After this point the bed moves up and into the round tube. If you have had a brain MRI before then you know what I'm talking about.
Thinking of you
The smell of your bathroom soap triggers memories of every hospitalized experience I've had in the past year.
Manage constipation like a boss
Constipation is the most difficult side effect I’ve had to deal with while taking temozolomide (chemotherapy). In the past it has gotten to the point where I wouldn't want to bend over, sit up, breathe, or hug anyone. I mentioned all of this to my nurse practitioner and she passed along some valuable tips to help me attack constipation before it strikes. I wish it hadn’t taken seven months for me to learn this.
Photos: My brain as of May 21, 2009
Fortunately, neurons in other parts of my brain wanted to help me and they are currently rewiring themselves to pick up the slack.
A good excuse to watch movies all day
I'm experiencing the aftermath of my latest round of chemo. My body feels like all of these things are happening at once…
Disney’s MRI is a lie
According to a recent brain scan taken at the "What's Inside Your Head?" kiosk at Disney's Tomorrowland, it looks as though I have no abnormal brain tissue. This either means I'm all better or Disneyland is a liar.