Happy surger-versary, to me!



Thumbs up
Best friend Mel fed me ice chips after surgery because I was starving.

Today is the one year anniversary of my second craniotomy.

Remember how I couldn't walk after my second surgery? Remember I how I had to do physical therapy and use a cane? Remember how slow I had to take it on the stairs? (Actually, due to the whole "awareness of body in space" thing with the parietal lobe, I am still weirded out when it comes to stairs.)
And look at me now. I am a rockstar! I've been on chemo for 12 months. And even though I am on day 4 of my Temodar cycle and I woke up in the middle of the night a few times with crazy stomach cramps (because I took a laxative the evening before in hopes that I poop today) I am good. I am all good.
Like I have been saying all along... besides brain cancer, I am totally healthy.
Liz Salmi

Liz Salmi is Communications & Patient Initiatives Director for OpenNotes at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Over the last 15 years Liz has been: a research subject; an advisor in patient stakeholder groups; a leader in “patient engagement” research initiatives; and an innovator, educator and investigator in national educational and research projects. Today her work focuses on involving patients and care partners in the co-design of research and research dissemination. It is rumored Liz was the drummer in a punk rock band.


Booker T.


World Cancer Day