No words to describe getting married during cancer treatment

I am up late tonight.

I'm getting married in almost a week and I need to think about what I will write for my wedding vows.

It is hard to think of something to say that will fit within just a minute of time to capture the amazing amount of love I have for a man who essentially saved my life. I am a strong person, but I wouldn't be where I am today without Brett. I would not be as healthy or as happy as I am.

And health and happiness means I am going to live a longer life.

Liz Salmi

Liz Salmi is Communications & Patient Initiatives Director for OpenNotes at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Over the last 15 years Liz has been: a research subject; an advisor in patient stakeholder groups; a leader in “patient engagement” research initiatives; and an innovator, educator and investigator in national educational and research projects. Today her work focuses on involving patients and care partners in the co-design of research and research dissemination. It is rumored Liz was the drummer in a punk rock band.

I got married


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